You’ve been waiting for it, and it’s finally here. Click the image below to view the Spring/Summer 2013 product offering from Broadcast Wheels. To locate a dealer, visit our stockists page.
Broadcast Introduces The Spring/Summer 2013 Collection
April 27, 2013Lowcard Issue 44
June 26, has teamed up with Connor Getzlaff (Skooter) for an entire week of content hand selected by Skooter himself. Or at least we think that’s what is happening. Either way, Skooter’s friends, family, and girlie fans will be resoundingly enamored by the opportunity to get their Getzlaff fix. Check out Network Skate on Instagram for more. Check us out on Instagram while you’re at it, too.
June 18, 2012After much waiting, the Spring/Summer 2012 Catalogue is complete and product is shipping to your local dealer now! This collection features a collaboration with London-based designer Mark Ward. Click on the images below to zoom, and follow us @broadcastwheels for the latest news.
Life Glitch: Blueprint Transworld Skate & Create
February 21, 2012Paul Shier and Kevin Coakley meet their arch-rivals in this 2012 Transworld Skate & Create edit. Brilliant video from the brethren at Blueprint.
The Berrics Features Broadcast (Part 1 of 2)
September 13, 2011“In the early 90’s a dozen companies, armed with very little money, a lot of hard work and a refusal to fail, rose from the ashes of the recession to become the established brands you know today. Now, in the greatest economic hardship our planet has seen since The Great Depression, it seems history is repeating itself. New companies and new projects are surfacing weekly. Trajectory is our way of introducing to you these initiatives as well as the people who have the courage to throw caution in the wind and not be afraid to have it blow back and hit them square in the teeth. Here is Broadcast part one.” — Steve Berra
Transworld Presents Kevin Coakley & Nick Jensen
May 31, 2011Kevin Coakley was recently invited to the Transworld park to handle some business. We think he likes it.
Git Yer Hipster Killers While They Last
May 13, 2011This fresh batch of Hipster Killer 53mm’s have been selling out in record time. If you know what’s good, order a set immediately. Wondering where to get them? Active is currently featuring Broadcast as the Spotlight Brand, so be sure to visit the official Active Blog and check out some great Broadcast-related content. Photo by Brian Lotti.
Jeremy Holmes Enters The Pro Ranks
November 3, 2010We would like to extend a special congratulations to Jeremy Holmes on turning Pro! Holmes has been wreaking serious havoc on a long list of rarely seen skate spots to put this little video clip together. Click here to become a believer.
It’s Effing Awesome That AWSM Thinks We Are Kind Of Awesome And Really Rad That RAD COLLECTOR Might Concur
October 1, 2010Two of our favorite website magazines were rad and awesome enough to feature Broadcast this week. The wheels shown above are the premium-grade Super Selects 52’s. We’ll talk more about those later… We are honored because despite Broadcast being a really small brand, we are bloody appreciative of the support we have been getting from peoples that we admire. Tom Hank you!