Danny Falla, Web Logga

January 18, 2011

Danny Falla has a Deathwish a blog! Head over to fallacondios.blogspot.com for all the latest from our East Coast Broadcast correspondent. Some of these pics are from our homies at 5boro.

The Mercy Seat: Shane Cox, The Skateboard Mag

January 10, 2011

Shane Cox is the subject of a recent Skateboard Mag Photofile as he soars over the asiento de amor with his Stalefish of Love. Photo by Brian Walnum (who is an amazing photographer, by the way.) This is another one of those things we should have posted on the website a long time ago.

It’s Effing Awesome That AWSM Thinks We Are Kind Of Awesome And Really Rad That RAD COLLECTOR Might Concur

October 1, 2010

Two of our favorite website magazines were rad and awesome enough to feature Broadcast this week. The wheels shown above are the premium-grade Super Selects 52’s. We’ll talk more about those later… We are honored because despite Broadcast being a really small brand, we are bloody appreciative of the support we have been getting from peoples that we admire. Tom Hank you!

Anyone Remember This Photo?

June 28, 2010

This spot has since been further demoralized, but long before spot-checking and over-production was standard faire, Kris and Dan got together to shoot a photo that would forever haunt many skateboarders who would undoubtedly recall this image any time they sat perched atop a gap. Thanks to the folks at The Chrome Ball Incident for pulling this scan from the archives. TCBI is one of our favorite blogs so if you haven’t already paid them a recent visit, we encourage you to do so. Like, now.