Every complete skateboard needs 1 deck, 2 trucks, 4 wheels, and 8 bearings. Are you seeing the mathematical pattern here? The average 608 skateboard bearing contains seven really small steel chromium balls that are secured in place by a cage system that ensures the balls roll with precision and maximize revolution speed. Master of Ollie (Ethan Fowler) was recently cross-examined at one of our favorite blogs (The Chrome Ball Incident) for his affiliation with the aforementioned skateboard apparatus. The Foundation of Stereo Television, Ethan Fowler’s skills is foul!
Ethan Fowler And His Chromium Balls
October 6, 2010Anyone Remember This Photo?
June 28, 2010This spot has since been further demoralized, but long before spot-checking and over-production was standard faire, Kris and Dan got together to shoot a photo that would forever haunt many skateboarders who would undoubtedly recall this image any time they sat perched atop a gap. Thanks to the folks at The Chrome Ball Incident for pulling this scan from the archives. TCBI is one of our favorite blogs so if you haven’t already paid them a recent visit, we encourage you to do so. Like, now.